Eduardo De Lucca
Veterinarian Doctor from the University of Buenos Aires.
In 1985, he joined the Ornithological Association of the Plata (AOP - Bird Life International) and the emerging 'Raptor Group' of the Argentine Wildlife Foundation (WWF representative). Between 1986 and 1996, he published 30 scientific and popular articles in magazines such as 'El Hornero,' 'Nuestras Aves,' 'Weekend,' etc., mostly related to birds of prey, making him one of the most prolific authors of ornithological articles in that decade. During those years, he lectured as a specialist in birds of prey in the systematic courses offered annually by the mentioned entity and participated in organizing courses on the subject (more than 30 talks/10 courses). In 1987-88, together with Miguel D. Saggese, he led the 'Águila Escudada Project,' a pioneering study on raptors in the Argentine Patagonia, that laid the groundwork for the creation of the 'Petrified Forests of Jaramillo' National Park. In 1989, he founded the 'Argentine Raptor Working Group' and coordinated it until 1993, developing the 'Argentine Program for the Conservation of the Harpy Eagle' in the province of Misiones. This was possibly one of the first programs for the study and conservation of rainforest eagles in Latin America. After being absent from the field for several years, in 2009, he initiated the 'Pampas Puma Project,' and in 2010, the 'Birds of Prey of the Northeast Patagonia Project.' Both projects have been successfully ongoing to the present. Currently, he has published more than 70 scientific and popular articles on birds of prey and pumas.
Juan Pablo De Lucca. Advanced Social Communication Student.
Nicolás Chimento. Biologist, Paleontologist, Ph.D. at the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences. Laboratory of Comparative Anatomy and Vertebrate Evolution.
Norberto A. Nigro. Naturalist. President of the Yaguareté Network.
Victoria Bollero. Naturalist. Park Ranger.