
Foxlights Experience

Puma encounter in ranch

30/8 post "International Puma Day" 

Rancher-Puma Conflict Mitigation

2021 - July 2024 Update

Puma vs. Wild Boar

The Puma's Closest Relatives

Current and Past

Encounter with a Puma Cub

In the South of Santa Fé

Puma Sighting in the South of Córdoba

The Death of Livestock and Pumas during Autumn and Winter

The Puma
A Nature Warrior

The Big Cats of Argentina

From past to present

The Puma Killing

Why does it not only fail to reduce livestock predation.

Testimony on "Foxlights"

A rancher tells us about his experience with the lights.

Pumas, 200km from Buenos Aires City

Traveling to a nearby establishment in Pergamino to install predator-repellent lights.

Pumas in Somuncurá Plateau

Looking for solutions for the conflict with the ranchers


Features and Operation

Encuentro con un puma

in the agroecosystem of the Tandil hills.

The donkey as livestock guardian

Puma tracks

How are they identified?

Encounter with a puma in the Ventania system

Encounter with a Puma in central-southern Buenos Aires

Testimony of a rancher about the encounter